GDPR methodology and seminar
A seminar was held on Thursday, 1 March 2018 in Pardubice for users of the L-BIS, LBIS/4G and R-PLAN systems who ordered the methodology “Personal data processing in the L-BIS, LBIS/4G and R-PLAN information systems”. This methodological instruction offers comprehensive resolution of the issue of personal data processing in these systems in compliance with the GDPR. The methodology was elaborated in cooperation with specialists from the largest law office in [...]
Implementation of LBIS/4G in Hotel Palace, Františkovy Lázně
The LBIS/4G information system was installed in Spa Hotel Palace, Františkovy Lázně in the period from November 2017 until February 2018 with the Accommodation Agenda, Healthcare Agenda and Rehabilitation Agenda subsystems.
Implementation of LBIS/4G in Léčebné lázně Jáchymov
The LBIS/4G system with the Accommodation Agenda, Healthcare Agenda and Rehabilitation Agenda subsystems was implemented in Léčebné lázně Jáchymov a.s. in the period from July 2017 to January 2018.
Merry christmas and happy new year
Merry christmas and happy new year.
Implementation of LBIS/4G in Hotel IRIS
The LBIS/4G system with the Accommodation Agenda, Healthcare Agenda, Rehabilitation Agenda and Catering and Storage Agenda subsystems was implemented in Spa Hotel IRIS, Karlovy Vary. Within the framework of this implementation, integration of LBIS/4G with the Nevron IPTV system was also performed. This integration ensures transfer of defined data from LBIS/4G to the hotel television system (e.g. client account preview). In the other direction, it is possible to load information [...]
Implementation of LBIS/4G in Lázně Libverda
The LBIS/4G system with the Accommodation Agenda, Healthcare Agenda and Rehabilitation Agenda subsystems was implemented in Lázně Libverda a.s. in the period from March to July 2017. Within the framework of this implementation, integration of LBIS/4G with the Helios Orange economic system was also performed. This integration ensures transfer of all accounting documents created in LBIS/4G (deposit notes, deposits received, final tax documents, payment receipts and warehouse documents) to Helios [...]